January 6, 2010

Week 2: Music Success in Nine Weeks - Our Pitch

Hey Sexy People!

This is week 2 of the MSi9W blogging contest!  The assignment is basically to create an answer to the question "what do you sound like?"  We gotta give folks some sort of context so they kind of understand our sound without having heard the Rock Sexy sound of Mama's Dirty Li'l Secret.  Yes, of course, their life will change forever once they've entered into the world of Mama's Dirty Li'l Secret.  (They're just not privy to that fact yet.)

We've actually been using our pitch for a while.  But it did take a while to come up with the right one.  The long version is "the bastard lovechild born of the torrid affair between Soul and Punk."  Descriptive?  It looks good in print, but when talk with folks we simply use "Soul punk" because folks seem to think they understand right away.  The usual response is "oh, yeah, I get it, that's cool!"  Well, that's exactly what the fuck we want.

As an example of the branding we've established, our current postcard (4x6) is to the left. <----  The front of the card simply has our name, a sexy photo, and our pitch.

...and the back of card has our name, urls and our tag line.  We place a sticker in the extra space for whatever we're promoting at the time: "In Your Mouth" download, show date, etc. (see second example below).

Let us know what you think.  Is it sexy enough for you?

Rock Hard! Rock Sexy!

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